Improve Your Conversion Rates by A/B Testing in 2022 Guide

conversion rates features

Table of Contents

  • What is A/B Testing?
  • Why Should You Do A/B Testing for Conversions Rate?
  • How Does A/B Testing Work on Conversions Rate?
  • What Kinds of Things Can You Test on A/B Testing?
  • Step-by-Step A/B Testing Guide to Improving Lead Generation & Conversions Rate
  • Conclusion

Changing visitors into paying customers is the ultimate goal of any E-commerce business. We all want to see valuable traffic conversion coming in from our ad campaigns to convert into successful sales.

Businesses must create a scalable experimentation culture to thrive in today’s highly competitive market and get the conversion rate statistic they’ve always desired.

The magic of A/B testing and the repeatability of victories brought about by a culture of experimentation can bring more conversions and high profits to the table, even while SEO, content marketing, and paid advertising may significantly help deliver more visitors to a website.

The goal of your digital campaigns is conversions. Your sales and profits will increase in direct proportion to your conversion rates. By optimizing your ads in a way that encourages customers to open, click, and buy more frequently, you can increase conversion rates.

In this article, I’ll go through some excellent A/B testing strategies that will help you enhance your conversion traffic quickly.

What is A/B Testing?

Conversion rate

A/B testing, often known as split testing, is the practice of comparing two versions of a Web page, application, or campaign to evaluate which one performs better.

You may evaluate which version generates the greatest results and increases your conversions by running A/B tests on your Web site’s UX design, email newsletter copy, or social-media ads after making minor design adjustments.

After making minor design adjustments to your website’s UX, email newsletter copy, or social media ads to improve them, you may perform A/B testing to discover which version generates the best results and boosts your conversion traffic.

A/B testing improves campaign performance because the decisions are not based on guessing. They are based on how customers react to particular factors.

By doing an A/B test, you may determine whether your assumptions were largely accurate and whether they had the desired effect, and eventually learn more about how your target audience behaves.

Running split tests to identify winning variables is definitely worth the effort to improve your results, especially given that the average open rate for email marketing in the USA is just approximately 20%.

Before you begin testing, decide on your target.

  • Test each modification separately after starting with a modest one. Avoid attempting to test too many items at once. You won’t be able to determine which change led to an increase or decrease in your conversions if you are testing many modifications.
  • Make sure your sample size is sufficient. Statistically, a significant sample size is necessary for A/B tests. Your A/B test should be set up so that half of your visitors see the old version of your design and the other half the new one.
  • Choose your measurements based on your desired aim. These metrics can be used to monitor your progress and check whether your adjustments are having the desired impact.
  • To determine which version performs better, monitor your results over time. If conversions for the new version significantly increase, make the change permanent. If not, start over and come up with a
    fresh design before testing the first one.
  • To track your results more effectively and conveniently, use an A/B testing solution like HubSpot, Google Analytics, or Optimizely.
    Apply what you’ve discovered to future A/B experiments.
    To conduct more focused testing, segment your user base.
  • You may increase your conversions by using A/B testing. It can assist you in determining which copy, color, button size, and other elements are most useful for reaching your marketing and commercial objectives.

Why Should You Do A/B Testing for Conversions Rate?

Conversion rate

One of the first steps in marketing is developing a website or landing page. The next step after finishing the design is to determine the strategies that will help you boost sales and conversions. A/B testing can be useful here. Here are some benefits of A/B testing for your company.

A/B testing reveals which version of an asset, such as a CTA button, headline, or form, performs better, helping you increase sales and lead generation.

Unlike a multivariate test, which necessitates significant skill and set-up time, it is simple to execute.

Even a failed A/B test yields valuable data that may be used to enhance the following iteration.

Your most crucial measure, conversions, improves with A/B testing.

One of the most popular conversion optimization strategies today is A/B testing. Along with its popularity, A/B testing is becoming more and more common, and tools to execute it and analyze the results are expanding as well.

How Does A/B Testing Work on Conversions Rate?

There are two primary types of A/B testing: client-side and server-side, with client-side being the more common.

  1. Client-side testing is providing the same iteration of a web page to each visitor, then using Javascript to make modifications within the visitor’s browser before the resulting page is shown.
  2. By modifying the pages on the server before sending them to the visitor’s browser, your web server can test numerous page variations while displaying them to users. The browser is not changing the page in any way.

For instance, you might send 50% of your traffic to variant A and 50% to variation B.

Then, evaluate each page variant’s performance to ascertain which variation, A or B, performs better in terms of a predetermined goal (conversion), such as sales, email opt-ins, click-through rates, etc.

The sample size must be attained to be certain that test results are accurate and not the product of an abnormality. Multivariate testing may not be accurate if this condition isn’t met, which could force you to make adjustments that might be detrimental to your website.

What does that mean?

To enhance your site’s overall conversion traffic levels, you might want to first think about investing in paid advertising or SEO if it doesn’t already generate enough traffic. As soon as you obtain the required volume of traffic, you can start A/B testing and get a sizable return on your investment.

What Kinds of Things Can You Test on A/B Testing?

Conversion rates

Removing consumer pain points is the main goal of A/B testing. Conversion rates dramatically rise if friction in the purchasing process can be reduced.

Here are some typical A/B testing concepts on how to increase conversion rates on an e-commerce website:

  • Various page layouts
  • Landing page and homepage
  • Product descriptions, category pages, and product pages.
  • Posts on social media.
  • Testimonies and reviews that provide social proof
  • Pop-ups.
  • Copy the CTA button.
  • Product photos and photography for websites.
    notifications through push.
  • SEO strategies like keyword density and meta descriptions.

The beauty of A/B testing is that you can go through each of these steps methodically, gradually and consistently refining each one to boost conversion rates

Step-by-Step A/B Testing Guide to Improving Lead Generation & Conversions Rate

After learning how crucial A/B testing is to increase traffic conversion rates, you should be aware that performing it incorrectly can result in time and money waste. You must gain knowledge of proper A/B testing techniques to increase traffic conversion. Use the following procedures while running A/B tests to increase the traffic conversion rate

You must have a prediction, which is a forecast or educated guess regarding what would occur if you made a specific modification to your website, application, or marketing campaign.

1. Begin by forming a Hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a forecast or educated guess about what would happen if you made a given modification to your website, application, or advertising campaign before you begin your A/B test.

The following might be your prediction if you wanted to test various headlines for a blog post: “The headline containing the term X would perform better than the headline without it.” It’s crucial to develop a hypothesis because it will help you focus your A/B test and make it simpler to measure the outcomes.

2. Pick Your Metrics and Goals.

The following stage is to decide on your objectives and key performance indicators. You must be clear about the goals for your A/B test and how you plan to evaluate its success.

  • Higher conversion rates
  • Increasing clicks
  • Lowering bounce rates and boosting user engagement
  • Furthermore, some popular metrics that you may use to track your progress and see if your adjustments are having the desired effect are as follows:
  • Traffic conversion volume
  • Unique visitors,
  • Return visitor rates,
  • Conversion rates
  • Number of leads cost per lead amount of sales generated
  • Engagement rate number of likes, comments, clicks, or shares

Because they influence how you measure the effectiveness of your test, you should choose your key performance metrics depending on your ultimate objective.

3. Design treatment and control.

Make control and treatment once your goals and measurements have been decided. The original version of your website, application, or marketing campaign serves as the control.

The new version you’re evaluating is known as the treatment or variant. To ensure that the benefits of your treatment are attributable to the change you made, it is crucial to make only one modification at a time.

4. Execute your test.

It’s time to conduct your A/B test after creating your control and treatment. How long the test should endure must be decided. It is crucial to perform a test for a sufficient amount of time to obtain reliable findings, but you don’t want it to go on for too long as it could be costly and time-consuming.
5. Evaluate the Results.
After your test has been completed, you must analyze the findings. Check to see if there was a statistically significant difference between your control and treatment groups’ performance.

Make the adjustment permanent if you notice a large increase in conversions for the new version. In that case, start over and test a different design.

Keep an eye on your findings over time to see which version works best. Make the adjustment permanent if you notice a large increase in conversion rates for the new version. In that case, start over and test a different design.

If there was a noticeable difference, the solution might be applied to your live website. If there was no discernible difference, you might choose to try a new therapy or stick with the control version. An effective method for enhancing your website, application, or marketing campaign is A/B testing to increase conversion rates.

6. Utilize a tool for A/B testing to Increase the Conversion Rate

Use a testing solution like HubSpot, Google Metrics, or Optimizely to obtain reliable A/B testing analytics and insights. You can track your results more effectively and easily with the aid of these platforms.

Using a platform like Salespanel for lead creation and lead tracking will help you reach your objective of increasing the number of qualified leads for your company. Additionally, you may use this application for real-time website tracking, UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tracking, Gmail and Outlook email tracking, and newsletter tracking.

7. Use User Segmentation to Conduct Targeted Testing.

A/B testing with your entire audience can help you identify general trends, but it may not be the most reliable way to assess how your design changes are having an impact. User segmentation becomes useful in this situation.

The practice of audience segmentation involves grouping your users according to their attributes, such as age, gender, location, and hobbies. You may target your A/B testing to particular audience segments and gain insights into particular trends by segmenting your audience.

For instance, you might wish to categorize your audience according to their geographic region and test various iterations of your website with visitors from various nations. You might then see how your modifications affect users in various contexts.

You can use audience segmentation as a strong tool to improve the accuracy of the results of your A/B tests. A few typical market segments or user groups that you might utilize for focused A/B testing to increase conversion rates


The process of splitting your users into groups based on criteria like age, gender, location, and interests is known as audience segmentation. Until you test a change that you anticipate will improve a page’s performance, you have nothing to suggest that it could perform more effectively.
If you never try new things, you’ll never find out that adding a person’s image to your page could increase conversion rates by 60%.

Ensure that the sales and marketing solutions you use have powerful A/B testing features and timely reporting & analytics. It’s time to get started now that you are fully informed about AB testing conversion rate optimization techniques.

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