User Experience (UX)

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User experience (UX) is the way users interact with a website and experience the product, system or service. It includes a user’s views on utility, ease of use, and efficiency.

The basic classification of site factors that affect user experience (also known as UX) includes:

  • The value of the original content posted on the website
  • Integration of related functions on the content page
  • The intuitiveness of cross-site navigation Browse the entire website easily
  • Site load time
  • Frequency of broken links or 404 errors
  • The overall design of the website, in terms of aesthetic elements and practicality

The focus of user experience (UX) is to have a deep understanding of users, what they need, their value, abilities, and limitations. It also considers the business goals of the project management team. UX best practices can improve the quality of user interaction with your product as well as their understanding of the product and any related services.

Google’s Matt Cutts estimates that 1 in every 100 search results is affected by website loading time. The meaning is clear: if the content of the website cannot be displayed quickly, then the quality of the content is irrelevant.

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